Wednesday, December 12, 2012

10 DEC 2012 - skipping ahead!

Skipping ahead a bit cos I don't have time to photograph everything - and astute readers will note this is my sketch from the Pub Scrawl on Monday - so here's the 10th. I guess I'll have to do a catch-up post later with all the missing sketches. The fall back of the lazy blogger, and I think I've proven to be a lazy blogger.

I didn't know what I was going to draw at Pub Scrawl this week (and normally I go in with a few ideas) but this explosion seemed to be the way of the future. Is it narrative? Well, something's obviously happening. It maybe could have done with a little "Dragon Ball Z" guy smashing the ground open or something.

I've had some Dragon Ball Z on my mind since David Brothers talked about it in a great article over on 4th letter about gutters in comics. Gutters drive me crazy - mine always look too thick or too thin, whether I try and plan them out or let them evolve organically. I guess you are always looking at the flaws in your own work.

Anyway, Dragon Ball Z was in my head. Hence, the ground explodes. I didn't do a piece for the 11th. I'll post one for today (the 12th) shortly.

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