Friday, March 31, 2017

Five 5 Star things on a Friday... 31 MAR 2017 Edition

Ugh, you let one little thing lapse in your memory and next thing you know, you haven't done it in years.

Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik

This Youtube channel was one I was vaguely aware existed for a few years, but I have a tendency to ignore all things Youtube. I mean, it's all Minecraft videos and toy unboxing and a way to listen to music without buying it, right? WRONG. Some friends of mine have adopted a Youtube-heavy entertainment life, so I was exposed to how wrong I was. Very. Internet Comment Etiquette is very sharp and very, very funny.

Love and Rockets Volume 4

My beloved Love & Rockets continues, back in the magazine format. I really loved Volume 3/New Stories, but the one-a-year release was almost too much to be waiting for. At time of writing, Issue 2 is meant to be out on Wednesday... if I forget to correct that, hey, sorry. Go back and pick up Issue 1, you jerks.

The Jackie and Laurie Show

My life is made of podcasts, still (always?). I've been finding that my concentration is totally shot to shit recently so a lot of them just kind of wash over me, but I always pay attention to Jackie and Laurie when they roll around. Two hard working comedians, giving their spin on life, the road, comedy, everything. It's even great as they struggle with filling the time in their allotted hour.

Dino and Andy's Skull Juice

What? Another podcast? I could actually fill five things with podcasts for weeks, but you guys don't need that. Dino and Andy run almost as the polar opposite of Jackie and Laurie (above) in all things but quality, and I love listening to them back-to-back.

Colleen Green

Colleen Green is awesome. Case closed.

And I'm out. Maybe I'll be back? Who knows.


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